Corporate Health

Corporate Health Services for Your Business

The good health of employees is essential for any business to run effectively.  A number of SmartClinics medical centres offer businesses a comprehensive health service that includes pre-employment medicals, injury management and managed rehabilitation, as well as back to work assessments for staff.

As business clients you will have a dedicated contact at your local clinic who prioritises your patients to ensure they are seen quickly, and who also liaises directly with the you, the employer, about back-to-work options. Our doctors will speak with employers as required.

Consultations and Employee Health Checks

We are able to provide ongoing consultations and employee health checks for corporate clients. By working together on a long-term basis, we can develop employee health checks that are appropriate for your workplace requirements and that test for the particular items that you are looking for. When your existing employees or prospective employees visit us for their employee health check, we will conduct all necessary assessments and deliver the results to the correct department within your organization.

We can also work with you to do an overall assessment of your workplace health and working conditions, along with the general state of your employees’ health. These workplace health consultations can help businesses ensure that they are taking the necessary steps to keep their workforce, healthy, happy and productive.

Health and Wellness Education

Educating employees about the value in maintaining their physical and mental health can go a long way towards improving their personal lives and professional output. From time to time, all people will go through periods in their life that place them under higher levels of stress than they are accustomed to dealing with. In the workplace, this can include both mental stress and physical stress, depending on the requirements of a person’s role.

Ensuring your employees are equipped with strategies to cope with that additional stress can help them increase their own resilience and also ensure that your workplace productivity doesn’t suffer due to employees requiring time away from work.

Corporate Fitness Programs

Assisting your employees with the costs of maintaining their physical health is often a strong motivator for employees to stay fit and healthy. Providing subsidized gym memberships or workplace-sponsored exercise sessions (such as a group yoga session once per week) can help busy employees take back some level of control over their physical health.

By instituting these kinds of programs at the corporate level, you can save on overall costs for your employees, provide an added incentive for prospective hires, and encourage a more health-minded culture in the workplace. Fitter, healthier employees tend to be more productive employees.

Pre-Employment Medicals

Pre-employment medical examinations are usually requested by employers in order to assess the suitability of an individual for the mental and physical requirements of a role. They will usually involve assessments of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. They may also involve drug and alcohol tests, audiometry examinations and other specialised procedures such as ECGs or spirometry tests.

Injury Management and Rehabilitation Programs

In the case of injury, our Doctors can develop a tailored return to work program for your staff. We provide emergency and clinical care of the injury/illness before determining the best method of rehabilitation.

Getting back to work can be a difficult and emotional journey for a worker after an injury. Our Doctors may refer the patient to an Allied Healthcare provider to improve the rehabilitation process if required.

Back-to-work Assessments

Following recovery from injury or a prolonged absence from the workplace, many employees in particular roles may require a back-to-work assessment to ensure they are still fit to safely and effectively perform their job requirements.

We assess the staff member’s capacity for work and advise employers, where appropriate, to develop a return to work program. This program may include a schedule for the employee to start with light duties before returning to the full scope of their former role. We may also recommend employees return on a part-time basis or resume working in a modified role on a permanent basis.

Corporate Health in Tasmania (Tas Work Health)

We offer corporate health support to Tasmanian businesses though our corporate occupational health program, Tas Work Health. For more info about our Corporate Services in Tasmania visit our TAS Work Health page.

Unique Corporate Health Requirements

Many businesses have unique requirements in their corporate health packages, or may be seeking a medical clinic to help them carry out checks for prospective staff. For these specialised clients, we offer diving medicals, aviation medicals and driving license medicals.

Contact Us

If you are based in Queensland, please contact one of the locations listed in the green banner. Alternatively, call us on (07) 3193 1300, or fill out the form below, after which we will contact you.

The following medical centres offer health services for businesses:


SmartClinics Brisbane CBD / City – Call Andrew
(07) 3236 2559

SmartClinics Taigum – Call Carmel
(07) 3265 4555

SmartClinics Clayfield – Call Julie
(07) 3268 1937

SmartClinics West End – Call Lyndall
(07) 3844 4111

SmartClinics Annerley – Call Cherelle
(07) 3848 9299


SmartClinics Devonport – Call Mandy
(03) 6422 6200